The Wonders and Woes of Webhooks

A presentation at Kubernetes London in September 2023 in London, UK by Marcus Noble

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The Wonders and Woes of Webhooks Kubernetes London September 19th 2023

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Hi 👋, I’m Marcus Noble, a platform engineer at I’m found around the web as ✨AverageMarcus✨ in most places and on Mastodon ~6 years experience running Kubernetes in production environments.

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My Relationship with Webhooks - a story in 3 acts Act #1 Introduction, backstory and the ✨wonders✨ Act #2 The conflicts, struggles and woes 😨 Act #3 The resolution and the future 🔮

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Act #1

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Webhooks in Kubernetes Kubernetes has three main types of webhooks: ● ValidatingWebhookConfiguration - Introduced in Beta v1.9 (replacing GenericAdmissionWebhook introduced in v1.7) ● MutatingWebhookConfiguration - Introduced in v1.9 ● CustomResourceConversion - Introduced in v1.13 Beta We’re going to focus on the first two and ignore the CustomResourceConversion for the purpose of this talk.

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Dynamic Admission Control ● Both Validating and Mutating admission webhooks come under the responsibility of the Dynamic Admission controller within apiserver. ● CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE & CONNECT Can be triggered by (almost) all API operations against (almost) all Kubernetes resources. ● Part of the API. ● Currently enabled by default by the default value of the —enable-admission-plugins apiserver flag.

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Purpose / Use Cases Defaulting Policy Enforcement Best Practices Problem Mitigation

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Defaulting ● Adding imagePullSecrets when images from private registries are used ● Generating the image registry secret when new namespaces are created In the past ● Injecting a sidecar into pods (e.g. ● Setting default resource limits when not set (alternative to Istio) LimitRange) ● Inject proxy env vars into pods - e.g. HTTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY

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Policy Enforcement ● Prevent using latest image tag or enforce the use of a SHA image tag ● Require resource limits to be set on all pods ● Block large container images (e.g. don’t pull container images >1Gb) ● Prevent use of deprecated Kubernetes APIs (e.g. batch/v1beta1) ● Block use of hostPath ● Replace old PSP functionality not supported by the new Pod Security Admission

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Best Practices ● Enforce standard labels / annotations on all resources ● Require pod probes be set ● Restrict allowed namespaces ● Require a PodDisruptionBudget to be set ● Replace all pods image registries with an in-house image proxy / cache.

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Problem Mitigation ● Block nodes joining the cluster with known CVEs based on the kernel version (e.g. CVE-2022-0185) ● Prevent custom nginx snippets from being used (CVE-2021-25742) ● Inject Log4Shell mitigation env var, LOG4J_FORMAT_MSG_NO_LOOKUPS, into all pods (CVE-2021-44228) ● Block binding to the cluster-admin role ● Disallow privilege escalation

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Example Webhook apiVersion: kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: “” webhooks: - name: “” rules: - apiGroups: [“”] apiVersions: [“v1”] operations: [“CREATE”] resources: [“pods”] scope: “*” failurePolicy: fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: “” operator: NotIn values: [“kube-system”] objectSelector: matchLabels: my-team clientConfig: service: namespace: default name: example-webhook path: /validate-pods port: 443

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Example Webhook apiVersion: kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: “” webhooks: - name: “” rules: - apiGroups: [“”] apiVersions: [“v1”] operations: [“CREATE”] resources: [“pods”] scope: “*” failurePolicy: fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: “” operator: NotIn values: [“kube-system”] objectSelector: matchLabels: my-team For every resource created / modified / deleted in the cluster the Kubernetes apiserver checks for webhook configurations with a matching rule.

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Example Webhook rules: - apiGroups: [“”] apiVersions: [“v1”] operations: [“CREATE”] resources: [“pods”] scope: “*” failurePolicy: fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: “” operator: NotIn values: [“kube-system”] objectSelector: matchLabels: my-team clientConfig: service: namespace: default name: example-webhook path: /validate-pods port: 443 The namespaceSelector and objectSelector are used to further filter what a webhook should apply to.

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Example Webhook rules: - apiGroups: [“”] apiVersions: [“v1”] operations: [“CREATE”] resources: [“pods”] scope: “*” failurePolicy: fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: “” operator: NotIn values: [“kube-system”] objectSelector: matchLabels: my-team clientConfig: service: namespace: default name: example-webhook path: /validate-pods port: 443 The failurePolicy property indicates how unexpected errors are handled. Valid options are fail and ignore with fail being the default.

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Example Webhook failurePolicy: fail namespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: “” operator: NotIn values: [“kube-system”] objectSelector: matchLabels: my-team clientConfig: service: namespace: default name: example-webhook path: /validate-pods port: 443 clientConfig describes what endpoint the webhook should be called against.

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Example API request Apply MutatingWebhookConfiguration create update delete Mutating admission controllers Schema Validation AdmissionReview AdmissionReview webhooks webhooks Order not guaranteed Validating admission controllers Order not guaranteed Salman Iqbal did a great ignite talk covering this at DevOpsDays London

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Wonders in the Wild Examples of webhooks solving real problems Leveraging validating webhooks to restrict the cluster-admin beyond what was possible by RBAC to block a bug in our CLI tool. Mitigate the Log4Shell vulnerability cluster-wide by injecting an env var into all pods that disables the vulnerable code path, made possible by a mutating webhook. Much of Istio’s power in the earlier days came from its ability to have its own container running in every pod in the cluster as a “sidecar”, made possible with a mutating webhook.

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Act #2

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The woes What follows next are incidents where webhooks have caused clusters to break, to varying degrees of severity, for myself, my team or others. I mention specific tools for context only and not to call any out for being at fault. The fault in the following scenarios isn’t always caused by webhooks but their fragility, and the lengths one must go to make them resilient, often causes incidents to go from bad to worse.

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Incident #1 - Kyverno and the faulty AZ Kyverno is a fantastic tool that makes it very easy to create policies to be applied to almost everything in a cluster. It does this by creating wide-catching Validating/Mutating webhooks. Many of the policies are security-related (replacing old PSP functionality) and as such has a failurePolicy of Fail. For resilience, the service behind the webhooks runs with at least 2 replicas and has some logic to de-register the webhook when the last replica is removed from the cluster. Pod anti-affinity is in place to ensure the replicas are scheduled onto different nodes.

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Incident #1 - Kyverno and the faulty AZ 1. By chance, both pods were scheduled onto nodes within the same Failure Domain. 2. Something happened that caused that failure domain to fail. This could be an issue with the cloud provider, a manual error accidentally deleting an ASG or maybe some routing changes that left that subnet inaccessible. 3. Both Kyverno pods are suddenly missing from the cluster. The scheduler does its job and goes to schedule two new pods. 4. The apiserver receives the API call to create the new pods, checks the list of MutatingWebhookConfigurations and sees the entry for the Kyverno webhook. 5. A webhook request is made to the Kyverno service in the cluster but as no pods are running it returns an error and blocks the new pod creation. Impact = Cluster at-risk. Autoscaling up not working. Recreating broken pods not possible.

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Incident #2 - Cluster upgrade Our cluster has several Mutating and Validating webhooks in place, many of them targeting Pods. Some of the services behind the webhooks includes, but is not limited to, cert-manager, Instana, Kyverno and Linkerd. Most were installed using 3rd party Helm charts with their default values.

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Incident #2 - Cluster upgrade 1. An upgrade of the cluster to the latest Kubernetes version is triggered. The cluster has plenty of spare capacity so a strategy of removing 25% of nodes at a time is used. 2. The upgrade is performed by making changes to the AWS Launch Template used by the nodes and then an Instance Refresh is performed on the ASG. 3. The initial 25% of nodes includes 1 control plane and 2 worker nodes. 4. When the 3 new nodes are launched, they are unable to schedule any pods (including any for the control plane). Logs for controller-manager taken from the host node include several instances of Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook. 5. The instances in AWS were reporting as running so the Instance Refresh continues cycling the rest of the cluster. Impact = Cluster completely taken down if not caught early enough! 😱

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Incident #3 - Scale-to-zero A non-production cluster uses cluster-autoscaler to scale down worker nodes to 0 outside of working hours to save on costs. The control plane nodes remain (either as a single node or a HA cluster of 3). Cluster-autoscaler is set to evict DaemonSets and a daily CronJob is run to scale down all Deployments to 0 replicas (and back up again in the morning). The CronJob has a toleration for control plane nodes to ensure it can run again in the morning with no workers.

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Incident #3 - Scale-to-zero 1. For weeks the cluster scaling operated as expected, scaling to 0 and back up based on the CronJob. 2. A team member deploys a new application that includes a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration with a failurePolicy set to Fail. 3. The next time to CronJob runs, the cluster scales down all worker nodes, terminating all pods of the newly installed application. 4. The following morning no worker nodes are created and all deployments are still set to 0 replicas. Impact = No worker nodes and no deployments running.

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Act #3

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Lessons Learned ● All webhook services should have at least 2 replicas, a PodDisruptionBudget, anti-affinity Regardless of the “importance” of the functionality the app provides ensuring the pods end up in different failure domains and health probes in place. ● Where possible, ensure that namespaceSelector is set to ignore kube-system. ● Where possible, make use of objectSelector to only target what is required. ● Be careful when cycling nodes and not relying on the cloud providers health checks alone. ● Avoid cluster-autoscaler scale-to-0 when using webhooks without a failurePolicy set to ignore.

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So what can we, as cluster operators, do to avoid this? 29

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So what can we, as cluster operators, do to avoid this? Unfortunately not a whole lot. 😞 30

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A webhook to enforce resilient webhooks

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A webhook to enforce resilient webhooks NOPE!* It’s not possible to have webhooks with rules targeting webhooks. They’re the only resources explicitly excluded in the code. staging/src/ func IsWebhookConfigurationResource (attr admission.Attributes) bool { gvk := attr. GetKind () if gvk.Group == “” { if gvk.Kind == “ValidatingWebhookConfiguration” || gvk.Kind == “MutatingWebhookConfiguration” || gvk.Kind == “ValidatingAdmissionPolicy” || gvk.Kind == “ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding” { return true } } return false }

  • Or maybe, yes. See a few slides later…

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Enforce best practices While we can’t have a webhook watching other webhooks, we can trigger based on the creation of Services and Deployments and then check for associated webhooks pointing at them. BUT… this is only works if the webhook has already been created in the cluster. Not much use to us on first install as the deployments and services need to exist first. Instead, we must enforce best practices (min replicas, PDB, anti-affinity, etc.) on all deployments to ensure we catch all webhook services. We all follow best practices all the time anyway, right?

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Watchdog Rather than preventing the potential issues from being created, we can instead monitor for their existence. An operator running in our cluster watching all webhooks, reporting metrics and alerting on ones that don’t meet our minimum requirements. Yikes! I’m glad this is a test cluster.

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Out of cluster services It’s possible to point a webhook configuration at an external endpoint (URL) instead of a Kubernetes Service resource. This avoids the issues of the webhook blocking its own creation as it’s no longer managed as a Pod. Needs some other system to ensure the application remains running, stays accessible from the cluster and responds quickly.

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The (possible) future KEP-1872 - Manifest based registration of Admission webhooks ● No gap in enforcement between when apiserver is started and webhook configuration is created ● Prevent deletion of these webhook configurations similar to how static pods are handled Introduced: 2020-04-21 | Status: Dropped WebAssembly apiserver Admission Plugin ● Less uncertainty from not relying on network ● Less resource usage - no need for multiple controllers, all handled by the apiserver Introduced: KubeCon NA 22 | Status: Proof of Concept

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The actual future There are a couple good blog posts about this on the Kubernetes blog. [One] [Two] KEP-3488 - CEL for Admission Control ● Implement expression language support (CEL) into current validation mechanism, avoiding some cases where webhooks would be needed ● Performed by the API server so doesn’t require pods/services to be alive for it to work ● Follows on from KEP-2876: CRD Validation Expression Language which introduced similar for CRDs in v1.23 ● Only for validating resources, not mutating Introduced: 2022-09-01 | Status: Alpha in v1.26, Beta in v1.28

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The actual future KEP-3488 - CEL for Admission Control This actually allows us to create policies to enforce more resilient Validating and Mutating webhooks! Remember a few slides back! This still cannot be used on other ValidatingAdmissionPolicies. Similar code to what we saw earlier for these new webhooks. Good news - these are more stable by default as they run in the apiserver! apiVersion: kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy metadata: name: “block-mutating-webhooks” namespace: default spec: failurePolicy: Fail matchConstraints: resourceRules: - apiGroups: [“”] apiVersions: [“v1”] operations: [“CREATE”] resources: [“mutatingwebhookconfigurations”] validations: - expression: “ == ”” —apiVersion: kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding metadata: name: “block-mutating-webhooks” spec: policyName: “block-mutating-webhooks” validationActions: [Deny]

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Wrap-up The wonders: ● Defaulting ● Policy enforcement ● Best practices ● Issue mitigation The woes: ● Webhook services need to be resilient ● Cluster can be taken down if not careful ● Very little can be done at a cluster level to ensure foolproof webhooks are used The future: ● Less reliance on webhooks for things like schema validation ● CEL-based policies for validating resources

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Wrap-up Slides and resources available at: Thoughts, comments and feedback: Thank you